A few years ago, when I was completely frustrated with my ugly kitchen, I had another one of my "brilliant" ideas. I decided I could wallpaper the laminate/Formica backsplash to create a brick effect. This was around the time I attempted my
m effer project, so I don't think I need to highlight the fact that I was trying to upgrade without spending any money.
I began my search by ordering wallpaper. I got one roll.
It said,
"Hello, there. I will make a lovely backsplash."
When wallpaper talks to you,
you might consider seeking professional help.
Then, I began searching online for ways to adhere wallpaper to Formica.
(In case you are curious, I would like to point out that this person did it. So there.)
But somewhere along the way, I realized I must've been sniffing paint
to have even considered wallpapering Formica,
and I abandoned my project.
Fastforward to Summer 2010.
I am working on Conrad's room. He wants a "Super Mario Bros" theme. Most
examples of Super Mario rooms are painted in light blue and plastered in Mario/Luigi/Yoshi decals. I am much too sophisticated for all that nonsense.
So I decided to use the old brick wallpaper!
Then paint a complimentary color (not light blue) above the chair rail.
Good girls use primer when painting over purple.
Good girls use tape.
At least for the bottom and sides.
The top is completely negotiable.
Complete with a Mario Bros plate made by our friend, Mallory.
You know how there is always an issue?????? Why?????
The issue is this:
I only had enough paper to do about 1/4 of the room. And I didn't know where I had purchased the paper in the first place, being that it was two years ago and I can't even find my car keys or remember my zip code.
So I have just ordered 4 more rolls of what appears to be a similar look from
Decorate Today. I know I didn't order the first roll from here, because they require that you order rolls in pairs, and I only possessed one roll.
Won't you wait by the mailbox with me in anticipation?