Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting Crafty-ish

I am not very crafty.  
I don't like to scrapbook.  
I have a sewing machine, 
and the people who have used it
tell me that it's a good one.
But I did take this:

And turn it in to this:
A bulletin board for Carly's Room!

btw those are txt 
whether or not this thing stays "put together" is TBD
when it falls apart, I will not be rotfl

I spray painted the frame, 
making sure I destroyed the ugly picture in the process.
Should've worn gloves.  
Then I covered it with Cork Squares,
which strangely enough smelled worse than spray paint.
Don't inhale, sweet baby girl.
Then I hotglued the fabric on.
Making sure to burn myself a few times in the process.
Because it's not considered a successful hotglue-ing
unless you are peeling hotglue off your blistered fingers.

Then I hung it!

FYI- tour of this room to follow 
as soon as window treatment is finished
by my mom
using my sewing machine. 


  1. LOL! I <3 your craft project and can only hope she includes a cute picture of my family on her new bulletin board. WTG!

  2. Mimi needs translations for all those letters. Hope none of them are x rated! Love the bulletin board. Ready to sew next week with your top notch sewing machine THAT I GAVE YOU!! (and I thought you used the thing...)

  3. TBD - to be determined
    rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
    btw - by the way

    And yes, I have used the machine a couple of times independently. Once for a button, and once to make curtains (hem pre-purchased curtains) for the bathroom. I am sew happy that I have it.
