Friday, November 26, 2010

Ode to Santa Cruz, Bolivia

I just finished painting the bathroom cabinets. 

With all my "formal" training (HGTV watching,) I was surprised that I had failed to forecast what was about to happen:  my forest green flooring and coordinating forest green counter tops would look extra foresty green when paired with white. 

"What's wrong with green and white?"
Not everyone has a problem with Forest Green.  It was really popular in the 90s.  In fact, I think it was invented in the nineties.
You know who appreciates Forest Green?  Ole Ralph Lauren.

I kept thinking.  This reminds me of something.
My husband is a Boston Celtics fan.

What could it be?
Green is all the rage!

And why should I have such a problem with Green and White?  Why do I have the sudden urge to sledgehammer the tile floor and throw sticks of dynamite in the sinks?

Drum is the unveiling!  Remember, you voted on this!

And here she is!  2 coats of primer and 3 coats of paint later.
What can I say?  I am muy popular in Santa Cruz, Bolivia!  ¡Olé!
La Bandera Oficial de Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Any good black Friday deals on dynamite and sledgehammers?


  1. I smell pine...after reading this!!
    lol Laurel

  2. Well, good job of painting the cabinets! And the online picture looks more grey/black/olive. Are you getting used to it yet?
