Monday, December 27, 2010

Bedroom Suite from the 1950s

When my dad was born, Gramma Susie went all out on furnishings, purchasing a 6 piece oak bedroom suite, which followed him into his marriage to my mom.  

My sister, being firstborn and having dibs,  got a nightstand, double bed, long dresser, and matching mirror. My sister experienced many a nighttime bed collapse, which led to the eventual downfall (no pun intended) of the bed.  It disappeared from our lives in the 1980s. 

I acquired my father's highboy and nightstand.  When I was 5, I vividly remember the highboy crashing down on me.  Mom heard my screams and came to my rescue.  Oak is a rather heavy material.

My nightstand and highboy got a re-do by my ambitious pre-teen self. If only I had a digital camera and internet access in which to catalog my first use of the electric sander.  It was love at first site.

Here is the highboy over a decade later, looking a little worse for the wear.
And so, the furniture survived my parents divorce and many moves. 

Somehow, over the past decade, I have re-acquired all pieces, including my sister's (except for the bed.) 

The dresser
I paid some students an exorbitant amount of money to refinish the dresser in 2007.  I was struck with a helping spirit (and an apparent windfall of money) and decided to help the Medina Valley ISD woodworking class.  It was the most excited I have seen those two students about school EVER.  Trades money went to a good cause.  Or the boys went out and blew the money.   Whatever, they did a beautiful job, no?

A few years later, inspired by the heirloom collection from Potterybarn, I painted the bedsidetables and matching mirror frame a lovely color inspired by Pottery Barn.  I even tore a page from the magazine to carry with me to Sherwin Williams for matching purposes.
Pottery Barn Heirloom Green
Bedside tables, one of which has a love note written on the bottom of a drawer!
I placed these pieces in my office and the little drawers held pamphlets to give parents.  Because school counselors love pamphlets. 
Samples of School Counselor Ema's pamphlets on Glee.  I can totally relate.
The mirror was great for upset students.  They used it to freshen up before heading back to class, because the only thing worse than crying at school was allowing classmates to know that you were school...and seeking help from the counselor...

Finally, today the highboy dresser received a second makeover.  I will post pictures tomorrow!

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