Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stuck on Stickers

When I was a child, my sister and I collected Stuck-on-Stickers.

Remember these?

What exactly is a "Fantascene?"  I think it is my new favorite word.

In second grade, I got in trouble at school because someone gave me a sticker and I threw it away.  That is the ultimate diss.  "You think you're my friend?  Well, guess WHAT, SUCKA?  You got another thing coming!  I'm gonna throw away your unicorn sticker.  THAT'S WHAT!  IN YOUR FACE!" 

My teacher found out.  I tried to lie to my teacher but that smart lady figured me out.  I got in trouble but didn't tell my mom.  Unfortunately for me, my teacher told her.

This incident may or may not have corresponded with my parent's divorce, so I will go ahead and blame them for my anger issues and poor decision making.  These problems plague me still.  It is all their fault.

But I digress.

Why do kids not collect stickers anymore?  All the cool kids did it.

But I digress.

I decided I was not happy with my dining room fantascene.  So I painted over the ferns shown here.

And I ordered these wall stickers decals in Medium Gray from Accent Studios

Decal = Grown up word for Sticker
When my package arrived, I had a blond moment and called the company to complain that my 60" X 61" sticker decal was clearly not 60" X 61".  I had even measured.  The kind gentleman explained that once I arrange the pieces onto the wall and spread it out, it would be wider.  Then he kindly hung up the phone and no doubt busted out laughing.

For credibility's sake, I think this would be a good time to point out that I have a master's degree. 

I hung up the phone and got depressed because I was going to have to arrange the things onto the wall when CLEARLY I just wanted to stick one giant 60"X61" sticker decal onto my dining room fantascene.  I seriously considered throwing away the sticker, but we all know how that worked out for me in 2nd grade.

So I cut all these pieces out.  Then I followed the directions and used a tool to rub them onto the wall.

I happened to have just the tool in my purse.

Once I got everything arranged onto the wall, I thought it created a lovely fantascene.

Another view
The rug also came in and I am awaiting curtains.

If you want to see some really cool bamboo images, just google image WALL DECAL BAMBOO and you will see some amazing fantascenes.

And when I get tired of this I can easily pull it off the wall and....you guessed it...THROW IT IN THE TRASH! THAT'S WHAT!