Monday, June 27, 2011

Progressive Progress is Progressing

I found the photos of our house listing online from last year!  It seems appropriate to walk down memory lane as we get close to the 1st anniversary of our move.  Plus it makes me feel less overwhelmed with unfinished projects and makes me see progress!

Kitchen Before
I think it is funny that a Realtor would take such a funny photo.  Did he mean to feature his Dr. Pepper?  I'm pretty sure it was not included in the purchase. 
Kitchen During - this is still in progress.  In case you were concerned.

Living Room Before with bright yellow bedroom in background.

Living room during

Bedroom before
Bedroom After - this one is finished.
Mint Green Master bath before
Master bath during - I hung a funky light so I have something new to hit my head on daily. 
There is still lots of work to do, but I feel blessed to have come this far!  And maybe a little sad that we will eventually be finished with what we can do and have to start forking over money and control to more qualified individuals.

Friday, June 17, 2011

You know, that patriotic THING!!!

Have you ever wanted to order something on the internet, but you didn't know the name of what you needed?  This happens to me a lot because either a) I look for weird stuff to order online or b) my very limited vocabulary, especially when it comes to home improvement, is a major impairment.

For example, I googled "Plexiglass thing to cover my florescent light" when I needed a plexiglass thing to cover my florescent light.

I am called a "Light Diffuser Panel" and am not available in your size online.
And most recently, I wanted one of those semi-circle flag things to hang out front.  You know, the patriotic kind.

So I Googled "4th of July decor" and received these results:
Images from
No, that's not what I am looking for!  It is a flag thing... So I googled "Flag Decor"
No!  That's not it!  If I wanted a pink-flamingo-wearing-a-Santa-hat-with-a-present-in-its-mouth flag, I would've Googled "pink-flamingo-wearing-a-Santa-hat-with-a-present-in-its-mouth flag."  Come on technology, work with me here.

Then I tried "Patriotic Flag"

And I am not even kidding, this was the first result. (source)

Really, people, that is just WEIRD! 

Finally, I used all the words I could muster and Googled "Patriotic flag drape decoration"

May I introduce you to B-U-N-T-I-N-G?  (source)

I thought bunting was "hitting a short distance at bat," but actually, I learned a new word!  Or I guess I really just learned a new definition of an old word.
Bunting home at last!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pulling off the two toned look

I have a friend who is considering (at the suggestion of her husband) painting her kitchen cabinets in a two-toned look.

To be honest, when I hear two-toned, I picture:

Not everyone can pull off this look.  In fact, maybe NO ONE can pull it off!

Then, it struck me like lightening!  Actually, it struck me like a Fiber One commercial.  Fiber has that effect on people.

I know you are scratching your head here.

But just WATCH THIS!!!

How cute are these cabinets?
still shot from the inspiring fiber one commercial
I think it is possible to pull off the two toned look!  My eyes have been opened!  Why was I so closed minded?  Here is another pretty one. 
Lavender and white looks so pretty!
I like how they painted the drawers and door fronts one solid color but the "framing" another color.

Not bad
Cute use of chalkboard paint on the doors!
So my advice to my friend is GO FOR IT!  I would help you but I am painting my own cabinets tomorrow (in a boring monotone, because I do not have courage like my friend.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

U-G-L-Y Fans

It is so hot.  so. very. hot.  What do you seek when you need to cool off?  A fan.  Perhaps, a ceiling fan?
Where do you draw the line between comfort and style?  Do you wear comfy shoes or look great and suffer in your heels?  This is the ultimate question.

I think I would rather be hot.  This looks like a contraceptive.
Wow.  This fancy one reminds me of an unfortunate royal wedding headpiece.
For the ULTIMATE fan (pun intended)
I am fancy.

Mauve and gold is the new black.

So what is your choice?  Comfort or style?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Digital Mood Boards

Chances are, if you have talked to me over the past week, we have had some sort of discussion about my kitchen. My complete lack of direction was stressing me out.  I needed a mental picture, but my imagination failed me.  In fact, I think I lost my imagination back in the 1990s sometime.

I decided to start compiling several elements together on a Keynote slide (that would be the same thing as Power Point for those of you PC people) to figure out where I am heading.

I started by picking out the things I already have like:

Chandelier from LampsPlus

Rug from Overstock

Art from World Market

Wall color from Benjamin Moore
Then I started "shopping" for other things I like such as:
This paint color from Benjamin Moore

This fabric from

This ceramic woodgrain tile
And I was able to use screen shots (Command+shift+4) or just drag and drop everything onto my slide in Keynote to create a Mood Board (click here for some really cool MoodBoards)
I think I like it!
This will require me to repaint the wainscot that I never liked, but I am finally feeling some peace about where this project is heading.