Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dentil Molding

We have a great deal of Dentil Molding.  Until I looked it up on the internet, I thought it was actually Dental Molding because it looks like teeth.

Yes, kind of like these teeth, but scarier.
According to a random architecture website the experts in the field,  "A dentil is one of a series of closely spaced, rectangular blocks that form a molding."
Dentil Molding from Ancient Greece.
Primed Dentil Molding from My Living Room
The thing about painting Dental Dentil Molding is all those little spaces.  It's kind of like trying to floss these.  Not that I have tried.

Sharks can have up to 3,000 teeth.  And apparently, monster case of gingivitis.
I never found a brush that worked well.
One of the FOUR different brushes I tried - in vain.
Several days and a monster crick in my neck later - I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed! 

Just go ahead and put me out of my misery.
But I pressed forward and finished my project.  By finished, I mean "Almost Finished."  The Almost is always implied.

Needs new accessories and handle pulls.
Unfortunately, this was just the little shark.  The big shark still looms in the waters.  Da, da, da, da...

Just a small snippet of the thousands of dentils in my kitchen.
I had an epiphany this morning. I think I need a bigger boat.  (That was a Jaws reference for those of you under 30.)  Really, I just need a new tool.

The Wagner Control Spray Max Paint Sprayer is in my future.
Look out!


  1. Too bad your birthday is 11 months away! If I get you one of those spray max thing-a-ma-jigs, will you come spray paint Bryon's "shark" in the garage??

    As always, thanks for the laugh!

  2. I like the new pic on your header!

  3. Well, I thought it was dental too. Learned another new thing from reading your blog.

  4. Molly! I'm de-lurking to say that we own that sprayer and we LOVE it!

    That said - follow the instructions about thinning the paint first.
