Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Mario-tastic and Yoshi-riffic!

Look who is sitting next to Yoshi and Mushroom, 
wearing his Mario shirt 
while playing Mario! 

If you are a perfectionist, wallpaper is really not for you.  Look away....
I had to piece the last piece...see how the bricks don't really match here.

You will only notice it if you are a bad boy/girl and you get put in a timeout in the corner.
And it saved me from buying another roll of paper.
My dad suggested that I do it right and order more paper.
Sorry Dad.  I know you love me anyway.
I'll go sit in the corner now.

Here is some additional Mario crap to finish the look.
  • A photo of Conrad and Yoshi that I took with my cell phone in the back yard one day when I was laying out and the kids wouldn't leave me alone.  I uploaded in and ordered in B&W from Shutterfly.
  • A MarioKart sticker decal that I ordered from eBay.
  • A photo of Mario and Conrad that I took at the mall with my cell phone and ordered from Shutterfly.
  • A Mario doll action figure that Conrad's Grandmother Suz purchased at said mall.
  • A piggy bank to collect money to reimburse me for all the stupid Mario junk I sprang for out of Momma Guilt for moving the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Love it Molly! It really turned out great! Conrad looks really happy! Vikki loves the brick, do not be surprised if you see some in her room next time you visit!

